MPW, WHH Share Perspectives On “Pro Poor” Rural Programs

Authorities of the Ministry of Public Works and Welt-Hunger-Hilfe-Liberia have both shared perspectives on rural development related projects in Liberia. 
The briefing was held on Thursday, March 1, 2018 when a three men delegation from WHH paid a courtesy call on Public Works Minister Mobutu Nyenpan at his Lynch Street office. 
Program Manager Sinikiwe Dube headed the WHH delegation followed by Trokon Bryant, Program & Accountability Coordinator. 
Formerly of German Agro, WHH is a German based development organization supporting rural development programs in Agriculture, Infrastructure, Women Empowerment and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Liberia with focus in the Southeast. 
During what appeared to be an interactive discussion, both partners agreed to work together to consolidate development in the areas of WASH and Road Infrastructures.
WHH Program Manager Sinikiwe Dube briefed the Minister on phase 5 of the program. She stated that phase 5 of the Reintegration, Recovery and Program is an extension of phase 4, which according to her is a joint initiative between the Government of Liberia represented by Public Works and the Federal Government of Germany through KFW (German Investment Bank). 
The project, she said focuses on WHH core mandate of fighting all forms of hunger and malnutrition, strengthening farming families in regions most affected by hunger, strengthening  humanitarian aid and link it with development, and diversify and internationalize the donor base, etc. 
She named Grand Gedeh, RiverGee and Sinoe Counties as areas they are currently operating. The specifics of their work, she said entail rehabilitating feeder roads to support agriculture by creating access to markets, empower women in producing cash crops through back yard gardening as well as providing access to water, sanitation and hygiene related services. 
Ms. Dube then informed the new Public Works Minister that their key partners are Ministries of Public Works and Health. 
For his part, Public Works Minister Mobutu Nyenpan told WHH delegation that in whatever they do, they should consider the pro poor agenda, which is about positively impacting the lives of rural dwellers.  
He urged them to continue to collaborate with the Ministry in capacity building and information sharing.
In summary, the National WASH Coordinator Abdu Hafiz Kromah told the press shortly after the briefing that the delegation’s visit was in support to current planning efforts to support rural WASH and road infrastructure programs.